MS Academic Policies
Jackson Christian academic crest

Grading Scale

The following legend will be used for all academic and conduct evaluations:
A = 93 – 100
B = 85 – 92
C = 75 – 84
D = 70 – 74
F = 0 – 69
I  = Incomplete
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory
E = Excellent
P = Pass
F = Fail
N= Needs Improvement
NG= No Grade



Students who earn the top three averages in each core subject will be presented academic awards in a spring assembly.


Grade Sheets and Report Cards

Progress Reports may be viewed by parents at any time on RenWeb which may be accessed on the school website at New families may call or email the Academic Affairs Office to have their RenWeb passwords activated. All students and parents must have a valid email address on file with the high school office in order to access student records on RenWeb. Report Cards are computer generated and are available only on RenWeb at the end of each grading period.


School Counselor

The secondary school counselor is prepared to assist students in grades 6-12 with personal, educational, and vocational needs and concerns.  Individual counseling appointments may be requested by the student. The counselor is also available to work with teachers concerning problems with individual students and to assist in any way to facilitate the school’s programs.



Standardized achievement tests are administered on an annual basis at Jackson Christian. The tests generally measure the student’s scholastic progress. Jackson Christian middle school administers the NWEA test battery and the ACT Aspire.  Test scores, as well as all school  records, are protected by the right to privacy.


Semester Exams

Students will take exams at the end of each semester. These will be administered during a special schedule with no more than two exams scheduled on any day. The release time of 11:30 A.M. is to enable students to have adequate time to prepare for the next day’s exams. The exam schedule will be announced by the Director of Academics prior to exam week. Students are expected to adhere to all exam procedures and guidelines which will be published and posted in advance of these exam days. Semester exams will count 1/5 of the final semester average. Semester exams will be administered for all core academic classes in grades 6-8. In order to make up a semester exam, the student must present a doctor’s statement to the office and have had the absence cleared with the Dean of Academics prior to the time of the examination. Permission from the Director of Academics is necessary for any deviation from this policy.


Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty (cheating) at Jackson Christian is considered a very serious offense. Cheating includes but is not necessarily limited to getting unauthorized help from any source on a quiz or test, copying another’s homework, turning in as one’s own another’s report or project, etc. Teachers are expected to have evidence that substantiates the incident. Seeing the student communicating in any manner during a test or looking as though help is being received from any unauthorized source or from another’s paper during any graded assignment is considered adequate proof. Both the one getting the help and the one supplying the help will be penalized in a consistent manner. Using technology such as calculators, cell phones, tablets, or computers for any type of help that is unauthorized by the teacher will be considered cheating. Teachers shall adhere strictly to these guidelines for cheating every time it occurs so discipline is consistent school wide:


1. The first and every subsequent cheating offense by a student in a teacher’s class during the year will cause a grade of “Zero” on that work, a “U” in conduct for the quarter, a phone call to the parent, and an office referral so the Dean of Students can check that student’s record of other cheating offenses.


2. A second offense in any class during that school year will cause the above as well as one (1) day of Saturday School.


3. A third offense will mean all of the above penalties plus two (2) days out-of- school suspension (OSS).


4. A subsequent offense shall mean suspension for the remainder of that school year with the right to have an application for admission reconsidered for the beginning of the next school year.